about me
Sean Patrick Gibbons (he/him) was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania and moved to New York City after finishing his two undergraduate degrees in Theater and Theater Education from Marywood University. While living in NYC, Sean studied under Matthew Corozine at The Matthew Corozine Studio of Acting, a studio dedicated to the Meisner method. Sean just finished his Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Performance from Florida Atlantic University and now resides in Boston, MA.
When offstage, Sean dedicates most of his time to teaching classes, workshops, and private students the art of acting as well as specific vocal techniques including The Fitzmaurice Technique as well as Kristin Linklater’s Freeing the Natural Voice. Sean is on the faculty of The Boston Arts Academy where he teaches Acting, Voice and Movement for the Actor, and a course specifically designed for the college audition process as well as on the recruitment audition team for the American Musical Dramatic Academy (AMDA) Most recently, Sean completed his Level 3 certification process in intimacy direction under master teachers, Claire Warden, and Cha Ramos, with Intimacy Directors and Coordinators (IDC). Get in touch and let's chat!